Creativity as Escapism

It started with a book.

After our lectures in Roml I decided I needed to take a step back and approach this research in the humanities project with a fresh perspective. After taking some time off, I began to create art in my journal. This outlet allowed me to connect the readings and interpersonal reflections we discussed in depth and let it out on a page. This isn’t your traditional humanities paper, but something much more rewarding. A personal reflection on the ideas plaguing my psyche from this class. I think seeing yourself as something larger than a concept – woman, daughter, child, gender — an idea, can change the world. I recently went through very difficult times as a student, as a daughter and as a woman. In this creative process, I reclaimed my voice as a victim of abuse and violence. I turned my pain and channeled it into art. I took something that was intended to harm and hurt and used it to better my craft. Those emotions I felt were strong. Therefore, I hope these collections of pages inspire you or someone you know. I want to feel a part of the world and this book let me. I can’t say pain is poetic, but it is unavoidable. We looked at sympathetic little monster, an African American poetry book written by Cameron Awkward Rich. I resonated with this piece of work as it fostered a deep sense of belonging within me. Reading this poetry reminded me of the slam poems I use to watch on my school laptop to identify and relate with others who experienced the same internal torment and outward bullying. Awkward-Rich writes of his experience of transitional phases through the a raw and honest lens. Everyone who reads his work is left with a deeper understanding of the plight of black trans youth. Even though I haven’t gone through some of the feelings and dysphoria he has, I know that pain is universal and so is hope. Through this website I will be documenting my creative process and moments where my work connected with the segements discussed in class.
Stream of Consciousness
What I like to call this art style is stream of consciousness. I took materials most would throw away and recycled them. At one point I even used E6000 to glue a lighter to the page to show that even if this book burns it still carries emotional meaning.

RADADADADADAjfkzjflkjdlkflkmzxdc, mn,cmn,xmncv,xnf,vknxl,kfdnvlxkdnv,xnmdv,nx,mvnx,mncv,xmncv,mnx,mdnv,xmnf,bxnv,mnx